Why is Know Yourself one of the Core traits?
That was my first question. How can you not know yourself, was my second.
I thought I knew myself pretty well until I was challenged with The Seven Core traits.
What matters most is – what we pay attention to.
Years of my life were spent in performance mode; striving and doing all the things I thought I should. My primary focus was on people and circumstances–what was going on around me. I was so in my head, and out of touch with my heart. I knew God loved me, but I didn’t feel it. I served him, but wasn’t enjoying friendship with him.
A major turning point in my life came when I realized the world I was desperately trying to hold together might fall apart.
“When you begin to recognize who God created you to be, you have the raw material for discerning God’s unique call and design for your life.” Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
As my focus changed I discovered there was a lot more going on beneath the surface, automatically and unconsciously, and that core beliefs drive us whether we are aware of them or not. Transformation starts with awareness.
What is your story? Where do you struggle or get stuck? Do you know what your blind spots are? Why you respond the way you do?
Do you protect yourself by relying on your thinking; analyzing and planning? Or, do you rely on your feelings and trust your connections and relationships for guidance. Or, are you someone who knows instinctively whether something is good or bad, trusting your gut more than contemplation, or a concern for what others think?
What does wholeness and freedom look like for you?
If Jesus were to ask you, “What do you want me to do for you?” the question he asked Bartimaus, what would answer?
What is the desire of your heart? When I was faced with that question I didn’t have an answer.
Seeking God and a willingness to know oneself go hand in hand together. It’s referred to as the “double knowledge”; knowledge of God and knowledge of self.
Is it time to change your focus? Are you ready to take steps forward, see the brokenness and weakness, as well as the good and the lovely in you? Are you ready to accept God’s grace as he weaves all the parts of your life together, and know that you are loved by the creator of your soul?
Begin to refocus: One step is to be mindful or attentive– notice God’s beauty and presence. Begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be distracted or get interrupted. Get comfortable and be still. If you can, imagine Christ calling you by name. What thoughts come to mind? What do you feel? Allow your mind to stay in his presence for several minutes. Practice being still and quiet for a few minutes each day. Anticipate God’s presence, pay attention, and listen for his voice.
Seek to know God and yourself better.
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. Psalm 51:6(ESV)
A prayer.
Search me, God, and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. My identity is in You. Let me not be blinded or deceived, but able to clearly understand your truth. Please quiet the voices in my mind, and give me wisdom and insight.